Transitional Care Transitional Care

By facilitating the perfect level of care and support, we help ensure that patients can safely move back to their home and community. This helps reduce costly Emergency Visits as well as Re-hospitalizations.

Transitional Care

Intensive Care Intensive Care

Our clinical programs provide superior support and attention during even the most intensive treatment, ensuring that every patient is constantly monitored in a safe, secure environment.

Intensive Care

Palliative Care Palliative Care

For those individuals dealing with the challenge of a serious illness, an attentive coordination of care is essential for providing symptom relief and managing treatment.

Palliative Care

Skilled Nursing Facility Skilled Nursing Facility

We partner with Skilled Nursing Facilities to ensure the utmost levels of care are provided, while proactively developing a comprehensive plan tailored to each patient's needs.

Transitional Care

Emergency Room Emergency Room

In emergency situations, tight coordination is essential for ensuring the best possible care - and this starts immediatly after a patient first steps into the ER setting.

Emergency Room

By coordinating and introducing efficiencies across all dimensions of care, we help providers maintain care plan adherence, patient attribution, and patient relationships outside of the office and in the broader community.

Arkos Solutions

Through our patient-centered platform, Arkos simplifies the shift to value-based care for entire provider networks.

Our suite of clinical, social, and administrative services includes programs proven to enhance patient outcomes and financial performance by extending, not replacing, existing payer and provider services.

arkos solutions

Contact us

Connect with Arkos Health

We act as an extension of our payer partners, working directly with local providers and patients to deliver personalized, comprehensive care.
